포르쉐 파나메라 4 E-하이브리드


Engine layoutFront engine
Number of cylinders6
Power (kW)243 kW
Power (PS)330 PS
RPM range maximum power5,250 - 6,500 r/min
Max. torque45.9 kg.m
RPM range maximum torque1,750 - 5,000 r/min
Power Electric Motor (PS)136 PS
Power Electric Motor (kW)100 kW
Torque Electric Motor40.8 kg.m
Power combined (PS)462 PS
Power combined (kW)340 kW
Torque combined71.4 kg.m
Max. output per liter (PS/ℓ)114.0 PS/ℓ
Chassis and suspension
Front axleAluminium double-wishbone front axle
Rear axleAluminium multi-link rear axle
BrakesSix-piston aluminium monobloc fixed brake calipers at front, Four-piston aluminium monobloc fixed brake calipers at rear, internally vented brake discs, Composite brake discs with diameter of 390 mm at front, integral brake discs with diameter of 365 mm at rear
Stability programPorsche Stability Management (PSM) with ABS and extended brake functions
Wheels front9J x 19H2 ET64
Tires front265/45 ZR 19 (105Y)
Wheels rear10,5J x 19H2 ET62
Tires rear295/40 ZR 19 (108Y)
Top speed278 km/h
Acceleration 0 - 100 km/h with Sport Chrono Package4.6 s
Acceleration from 0 - 160 km/h10.7 s
In-gear acceleration (80-120km/h) (50-75 mph)3.1 s
Length5,050 mm
Width (without mirrors folded)2,165 mm
Width1,935 mm
Height1,425 mm
Drag coefficient (Cd)0.28 cW
Wheelbase2,950 mm
Front track1,670 mm
Rear track1,650 mm
Maximum load540 kg
Trunk capacity405
Fuel tank80
Service and Warranty
Warranty period2 years without mileage limit
Main service intervalevery 60,000 km
Paint warranty period3 years
Rust warranty12 years
High-voltage battery warranty period8 years / 160,000 km

157,200,000 KRW 부터 *

최대출력이 무려 462마력입니다. 

hyogle Level. 29 76955/81000


  • 루비

    포르쉐 정말 느껴보고 싶은 차량입니다. 내구성도 짱이라는데 이 참에 갈아타?

  • 루비
    @루비 님에게 보내는 답글

    주변에서 워낙 이쁘다 이쁘다하니깐 갑자기 이뻐보이.........

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